Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Who Killed the Electric Car?

The “Who killed the electric Car?” documentary is basically about how the idea of the electric was developed, created and then chucked out into the scraps and replaced by other ideas. Though in developing such a technology, different ideas of how renewable resources are brought upon in consumers today.

The Electric car developed due to the complications the gas car was causing to the environment. The gas emitted of the gas car was damaging the environment around us creating deadly smog, which would increase disease and sickness in certain communities, people found it hard to breathe in certain areas and the increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the air was an issue in its self with this creation of the gas car. These issues lead to the conspiracies brought in modern society of that of global warming and that the polar ice caps would melt causing the earth to flood

Some Major car companies such as GM Motors, Nissan and Toyota have always had the idea of producing electric cars, but in their interest of sales the idea is subsided. But with the corporate world taking over final decisions, they main priority is sales and revenue, the cost to manufacture a gas car over an electric car is much cheaper. It is also a lot easier to manufacture so labouring cost and setup costs reduce as well for that sense. But also there is a rumour saying that the electric car was put out of the market to make sure that other competitors a chance.

The focus on the electric car and how it died is very evident in the video but they also mentioned how certain hybrid cars were developed in the process of development of creating the electric ar.

How it's made & Giving Packaging a New Life

“how it’s made” is a series documentary that looks into the life cycle of materials, how certain material have been recycled and their process and showing how certain materials can be reused without being disposed of. Also show how certain materials are sent back to the manufacturer where they themselves, recycle and process the materials so that they use the material in future products.

First episode refers to cardboard and the advantages of having it corrugated all the way through the card, by means of advantage of making it flexible. Informs us about the different applications the card has and also how the card can be cut or shaped while in the process of manufacturing. It is also shown that some manufacturers prefer recycled paper for the flutes of the card as it is more malleable and the versatility of the product increases

I found that there is a similarity between episode two and four, in the sense how they focus on aluminium sheets in essence of the manufacturing and how they moulded in the certain shapes like cans and tubes. Aluminium is a very versatile material in which you can mould it into almost any shape, it’s cheap and it’s recyclable. Though the process of obtaining the material from the ground uses a lot of energy but I guess this compensates for the fact that it can be recycled over and over again by melting down the material and rolling it back into sheets or blocks.

The series also covers the materials that are used to produce containers that are suitable for packaging liquids. Paperboard, plastic and foil are the three a materials are manufactured in a very similar way to cardboard and the combination of the materials can lead to such products are juice cartons.

We also venture into the world of glass bottles and how they are created. They are manufactured from raw materials and when the process of breaking them down formed into glass and recycling is a very easy and accessible one. The materials used in glass are soda ash and limestone in which the materials to be formed are heated at high temperatures and heated using cold air. Recycling is an interesting process in which glass has to be sorted into colour groups as they cannot be in a 10% margin of colour fraction when separated for recycling. But with the advancements of technology these days’ pieces of glass up to 50 mm big can be separated into their right groups causing the purity of the finished product to stay true.

We also touch on some plastic bottles and how they are made from PET. How the material is really malleable when heated up at a high pressure and basically can be formed into any shape. But only the new plastic left form the manufacturing process are eased to make recycled plastic as the hygienic factors in that are really important to the public’s eyes. As technology increases, also the way people use and manufacture plastics become easier and also creating new plastics coming through the market as research is conducted

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Blog comments project 2

Kevin Peng


Cherrie Fillisia


Pamela Ablang


Alex Jackson


Shremin Li


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Plant storage

Transmosis Pot

The Transmosis Pot is inspired by the way plants absorb water through
methods of transpiration and osmosis. The Wick like system used on the cones
of the plate act as a water absorption tool. The material absorbs water from
the water provided in the plate, it travels up the material touching the same
material which is installed on the little pots. The purpose for the pots is to
grow herbs such as thyme and oregano, as they do not need as much sunlight
as other plants to develop properly. This also enables for the product to be
present in the kitchen. As the herbs grow the user has direct access to the
fresh herb ingredients creating convenience for any special occasion. The self-
watering system is used as in urban low density property’s people are usually
on the go and working long hours so they do not have time to stop and water
their plants, and they would also feel tired from work so doing this constantly
would be an inconvenience.

The Transmosis Pot makes everything easier for the user as it has a role of
independence when watering. When water is low it is highly visible that
such a situation has occurred therefore forcing the user to refill the plate
but in comparison to usual watering times it is cut by at least 80%. The plate
holds up to 300 ml which is enough for these herbs to grow properly and the
consistently and water has to be replaced every 3-4 days.

The Transmosis has 3 pots but can possibly have 5, that really depends on the
need of the user and the versatility in the placement of the plate is essential to
adapt to different urban dwellings.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

An Inconvenient Truth (2006)

“An Incovienent Truth” brings out the knowledge of Al Gore’s passion for the world’s conservation through this visual representation and stunning facts. Al Gore uses many facts and especially graphs to show how the earth’s Climate change, as his main topic of focus, is affecting our earth and our society as human beings. He keeps drawing back and reminiscing about hiss sisters death to lung cancer after taking a trip to the continent of Antartica.

Gore Uses comparative photographs from disappearing glaciers around the world, footage of collapsing ice shelves, data on the record numbers of storms, floods, and other kinds of extreme weather.

He also uses animations of the effects of rising sea levels, new diseases, photos of dying polar bears and disappearing coral reefs to emphasize his message that as care takers of the planet, we have failed and we are destroying our home.
From the research and points brought up by Gore, it is evident that as caretakers of this planet that we should be making a difference. It’s so weird that even though we are slowly killing this planet we don’t care. My opinion that society is influenced by media and mass productions of certain objects to forcefully change the trends 1st world country in using certain objects. Industrial Designs should watch this documentary to influence them in using sustainable materials and also analysis certain products in their life cycle to minimalise wastage. Even eliminating different process that produce a lot of energy so that we don’t damage the environment.
If we design products that are recyclable, use more kinetic energy rather than powered by electricity, changing trends in the way we use certain objects. We can slowly eliminate the production of waste energy and therefore by designing certain products that last longer and eliminate in built obsolesce in products, we can actually preserve nature. Sacrificing production methods in money making will benefit all of us rather than using harmful materials because they are cheap. If by Designing most products to have this method of use to be re useable we can change trends so that people will start changing their behavior and mentality in how they see the world and treat our environment.